Discover the power of your subconscious mind and transform your life with the PSYCH-K® technique.
Are you really in control of your life?
Conscious will
Do you think you consciously control your life?
Subconscious mind
The truth is, your subconscious mind drives most of your decisions.
The Power of the Subconscious Mind
97% of Decisions
The subconscious automatically makes 97% of your decisions.
Unconscious Sabotage
Your subconscious can unconsciously sabotage your conscious intentions.
Life Control
Without influence over the subconscious, it controls your life.
PSYCH-K® Facilitator Aleksandra
Unique Opportunity
Try the PSYCH-K® technique and experience swift changes.
Life Transformation
Change the limiting beliefs in your subconscious.
Control Over Life
Work at 100% capacity of your brain.


Simple Technique
Replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones.


Personal growth and development.


A better life, greater success and happiness.
Limiting Belief
Scenario at work
The boss does not offer a promotion. Your belief affects your reaction and the outcome of the situation.
Complexity of the mind
The subconscious mind stores all experiences and influences our behavior.
Common limiting beliefs
"I don't deserve love", "I must be perfect", "I don't have time".
Rob Williams' Quote
"When you upgrade the software of your mind, you change the footprint of your life... and the world!"
Rob Williams, the founder of PSYCH-K®, emphasizes the importance of changing consciousness for transforming life.
Practical Aspect of the PSYCH-K® Technique


Defining the Problem
Identifying the current situation and the desired outcome.


Transformation of Beliefs
Using a unique combination of resources to change subconscious programs.


Creating a balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
PSYCH-K® Session
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